How to Choose the Best Residential Pest Control Service for Your Home

 Importance of residential pest control Pest control is crucial for maintaining a healthy and safe living environment in your home. Not only do pests pose health risks and cause damage to your property, but they can also be a major nuisance. Hiring a professional residential pest control service can help you keep unwanted critters at bay and p...

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  595 Hits

Termite Treatments: Bait VS Liquid

Termites are one of the most destructive pests that can infest your home, causing billions of dollars in damage annually. Among the various species of termites, subterranean termites pose the most significant threat to homeowners due to their ability to cause extensive damage to a property's structure. If you suspect a subterranean termite infestation, you'll want to consider professional pest management services. Two popular treatment options for subterranean termites are bait treatments and liquid treatments. This article will highlight the key differences between these two methods to help you make an informed decision for your home's protection. 

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Subterranean Termites

Subterranean termites are a silent but destructive force that can cause significant damage to your home. These hidden invaders are responsible for billions of dollars in property damage each year in the United States alone. In this article, we'll discuss the biology and behavior of subterranean termites, how to identify their presence, and how to protect your home from these wood-destroying pests. For expert assistance, consult the professionals at Arbor Pest Management

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Growing Danger Of Mosquitoes In Georgia

The state of Georgia is known for its warm weather, southern hospitality, and beautiful landscapes. Unfortunately, it's also becoming increasingly known for a growing danger: mosquitoes. These pesky insects are not only a nuisance but also a potential health risk. In this article, we will explore the danger of mosquitoes in Georgia and discuss ways to combat them effectively.

#MosquitoesInGeorgia #PublicHealth #VectorBorneDiseases

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Why Do You Need A Termite Inspection!

Termites can be a major problem for homeowners in Georgia. These small insects can cause significant damage to your home, leading to costly repairs and a decrease in your property's value. That's why it's essential to have regular termite inspections to catch any infestations early and prevent serious damage to your property. 

  1158 Hits

Moisture Around Your Home

Moisture is a common problem in many homes, particularly in Georgia, where the warm, humid climate can create the perfect environment for mold, mildew, and other types of moisture damage. For homeowners in Georgia, it is important to take steps to keep moisture away from the home in order to protect the structure, preserve indoor air quality, and prevent health issues. 

  1153 Hits

Termites In GA: What To Do?

Termites can cause significant damage to homes and structures in Georgia. To protect your property, you need to take swift action to control and eliminate termite infestations. Here's what you can do:

  1123 Hits

Indian Meal Moths: A Pantry Pest

Indian meal moths are a common household pest that can cause significant damage to stored food items. These small, grayish-brown moths are often found fluttering around pantries and kitchen cabinets and are attracted to a variety of foods, such as cereal, flour, and other dried goods. If left unchecked, Indian meal moths can quickly multiply and infest a home, making it difficult to control the population and keep food safe to eat. 

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Pests Brought In On Xmas Trees

When I get calls about unusual indoor pests at this time of year. I consider Christmas trees, holiday wreaths and other fresh greenery as a possible source. There are two types of Christmas tree pests. The first are those that feed on Christmas trees in the field and are problems for the tree growers such as red spider mites, spruce needle miners, spruce budworms, pine needle scales and bagworms. Aphids and spruce spider mites are the two most common Christmas tree pests found on trees. White pine aphids are small black insects that customers might find crawling on their pine trees and ornaments. These pests that feed on the tree should have been eliminated by the grower before the tree is harvested.

  1086 Hits

Mosquito And Tick Diseases Triple In 12 Years

If it seems like every time you turn around there's a new warning about a brand-new disease being spread by mosquitoes. It's true. CDC, the Centers for Disease Control, has just released a report detailing reported illnesses from ticks and mosquitoes in the years from 2004 to 2016 in the U.S. and its territories. Amazingly, the number of annual cases of disease more than tripled during that time from 27,388 in 2004 to more than 96,000 reported in 2016. It's assumed that the number of actual cases was much higher still since so many are not properly diagnosed. For example, recent data suggests that Lyme disease affects about 300,000 Americans each year. That is 8 to 10 times the number reported to CDC. It's also possible that over the 12-year period, people and their physicians became more aware. Why the Big Jump in the Number of Diseases? 

  1055 Hits

Say Goodbye To Silverfish

As a homeowner, you've probably encountered silverfish, those small, silver-scaled insects that love to dwell in dark, damp spaces. While they are not directly harmful to humans, silverfish can cause damage to your belongings, such as books, wallpaper, and clothing. This article will provide you with valuable information on silverfish and how to control them, as well as practical tips for homeowners. 

  1097 Hits

The Battle Against Fire Ants

Homeowners everywhere dread the appearance of fire ants on their property. These small, stinging insects can cause significant discomfort for you, your family, and your pets, while also disrupting the natural ecosystem of your yard. However, with the right pest control measures in place, you can keep these pesky invaders at bay and maintain a safe and serene outdoor space. At Arbor Pest Management, our trained professionals provide eco-friendly solutions to eliminate fire ants from your property and help you regain your peace of mind. 

  1065 Hits

Bed Bugs: A Growing Problem In Georgia

Bedbugs are small insects that feed on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals. They are reddish-brown in color and can cause itching and discomfort. In Georgia, bedbug infestations are becoming more common due to the rise in international travel and the bedbugs' resistance to commonly used pesticides. They are excellent at hiding and can easily be transported from public places to homes and businesses. 

  1261 Hits

Warehouse Conditions That Attract Rats And Mice!

The best way to keep rats or mice out of a warehouse is to stop them at the perimeter. Eliminating conditions that attract rats and mice to the outside of the building can reduce mouse problems inside the building. Once you have rats or mice nesting or forging around the outside of a warehouse, it's only a matter of time until they find their way inside. Consider that young mice only need a slotted opening about 3/8 of an inch wide, just slightly larger than the thickness of the average pencil. Young rats only need about 1/2 to ¾ of an inch. Below are some things that will attract rats and mice to the outside of a warehouse: 

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Carpenter Bees! Woodpeckers Don’t Help!

The spring activity of carpenter bees generates concern primarily because the bees are large, and the male can be noisy and threatening although he can't sting. Carpenter bees, though, are solitary bees and are not part of a colony. The bees are usually seen in pairs although several pairs can be working the same area.

There are at least seven species of large carpenter bees in the U.S., but the best known with the most extensive range is the Eastern carpenter bee, which can be found as far west as Kansas and Texas. 

  1111 Hits

Recognizing Termite Damage

Wood that has been damaged by subterranean termites will have a honeycombed or layered appearance when broken open. Termites prefer to eat the softer spring wood, leaving the summer wood. Galleries in the wood usually run parallel to the grain. They are messy, containing a mixture of solid and digested wood, and soil. Gallery walls have a yellowish or grayish-brown, speckled appearance from soft fecal material that termites plaster on the surface. 

  1100 Hits

Termite Vs Ant

Termites or Ants? Termite reproductive and other large ants, reproductive are very similar and difficult for the untrained to tell apart. Both are black with two pairs of wings. The three main visible differences are in wings, waist, and antennae. Ants have a larger front pair of wings with a second smaller pair beneath. Termites have two pairs of ...

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  1017 Hits

Getting To Know The Fruit Fly

Adult flies are tiny, about 1/8-inch (3-4 mm) long and rather chunky. They have short, 3-segmented antennae and a pair of large wings that overlap over the back and rest. The wings have a prominent cross vein that helps ID the fly. Eye color ranges from bright red to dark red. Body color ranges from brownish-yellow to brownish-black. The abdomen has darker cross-bands, appearing somewhat striped. D. melanogaster flies tend to hover in small circles; dark-eyed fruit flies rest more often on walls. The Drosophila larva is a legless, eyeless, white maggot, about 1/4-3/8 inches (7-8 mm) long when fully grown. 

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Landscaping Issues That Can Contribute To Wood Destroying Inspects

When landscaping a property it is important to understand things that could cause unwanted insects or termites. 

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Fall Invaders

Occasional invaders is one term that we use to describe those pests that enter structures periodically, and only under certain circumstances. They are not permanent indoor residents that are able to successfully reproduce indoors. Most occasional invaders are normally outdoor pests. Some are foundation pests found in mulch, woodpiles, and plants around the perimeter of a building (we often call these "perimeter invaders" when they move inside). Examples are earwigs, sow bugs, pill bugs, millipedes, clover mites, springtails, and crickets. They usually move inside when their outdoor conditions change and become too wet, too dry, too hot, too cold, or too crowded. Most are not adapted to drier indoor conditions and die fairly quickly. 

  939 Hits