Termites In GA: What To Do?

Termites can cause significant damage to homes and structures in Georgia. To protect your property, you need to take swift action to control and eliminate termite infestations. Here's what you can do:

Indian Meal Moths: A Pantry Pest

Indian meal moths are a common household pest that can cause significant damage to stored food items. These small, grayish-brown moths are often found fluttering around pantries and kitchen cabinets and are attracted to a variety of foods, such as cereal, flour, and other dried goods. If left unchecked, Indian meal moths can quickly multiply and infest a home, making it difficult to control the population and keep food safe to eat. 

Pests Brought In On Xmas Trees

When I get calls about unusual indoor pests at this time of year. I consider Christmas trees, holiday wreaths and other fresh greenery as a possible source. There are two types of Christmas tree pests. The first are those that feed on Christmas trees in the field and are problems for the tree growers such as red spider mites, spruce needle miners, spruce budworms, pine needle scales and bagworms. Aphids and spruce spider mites are the two most common Christmas tree pests found on trees. White pine aphids are small black insects that customers might find crawling on their pine trees and ornaments. These pests that feed on the tree should have been eliminated by the grower before the tree is harvested.

Mosquito And Tick Diseases Triple In 12 Years

If it seems like every time you turn around there's a new warning about a brand-new disease being spread by mosquitoes. It's true. www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2018/p0501-vs-vector-borne.html CDC, the Centers for Disease Control, has just released a report detailing reported illnesses from ticks and mosquitoes in the years from 2004 to 2016 in the U.S. and its territories. Amazingly, the number of annual cases of disease more than tripled during that time from 27,388 in 2004 to more than 96,000 reported in 2016. It's assumed that the number of actual cases was much higher still since so many are not properly diagnosed. For example, recent data suggests that Lyme disease affects about 300,000 Americans each year. That is 8 to 10 times the number reported to CDC. It's also possible that over the 12-year period, people and their physicians became more aware. Why the Big Jump in the Number of Diseases?